
Favicon - HTML

The rel attribute tells the browser that the linked resource is a favicon; setting to shortcut icon should accommodate most versions of the ...

html - cant figure out how to add shortcut icon

Shortcut and icon are used to denote a favicon, however icon can also be used alone. If your icon is an ICO file, use <link rel=icon type=image/x-icon href ...

rel=shortcut icon considered harmful

I learned that shortcut is not a valid link relation. Indeed, it doesn't show up in section 4.12.5 of the HTML5 specification on 'link types'.

rel=shortcut icon is now rel=icon

Historically, shortcut icons (also known as favicons) were embedded in HTML as follows: <link rel=shortcut icon href=favicon.ico>.

What is the best practice for creating a favicon on a web site? [closed]

You can use a favicon generator. This one creates the pictures and HTML code for all major desktop and mobiles browsers.

What's the difference between shortcut icon and just icon?

The shortcut link type is often seen before icon, but this link type is non-conforming, ignored and web authors must not use it anymore.

以2025 年的方法製作Favicon:3 個檔案就搞定大多數需求(翻譯)

HTML 頁面必須要在 <head> 裡面有 rel=icon 、 type=image/svg+xml 和 href 包含連至SVG 檔案等屬性的 <link> 標籤。 SVG 能夠加上描述CSS 用的 < ...

使用link rel=shortcut icon为网页标题加图标原创

例如,代码<link rel=shortcut icon href=/favicon.ico type=image/x-icon/>意味着“请将网址根目录下名为favicon.ico的文件作为这个网站的favicon”。

網站瀏覽器logo製作超easy - 「Favicon.ico」簡介

1.將產生的ico檔案下載並改名為favico.ico(因不同下載方式有不同檔名),上傳到網站根目錄。 2.在網站首頁的原始檔案head之間插入下面的代碼:. <link rel= ...


依照whatwg 官方文件定義,需將link 中的rel 屬性定義為 icon 。 <link rel=icon ....> 那麼 shortcut icon 、 apple-touch-icon 、 ...


Therelattributetellsthebrowserthatthelinkedresourceisafavicon;settingtoshortcuticonshouldaccommodatemostversionsofthe ...,Shortcutandiconareusedtodenoteafavicon,howevericoncanalsobeusedalone.IfyouriconisanICOfile,use